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이소영's correction
Name   :   norma    (작성일 : 23-12-13 / Hit : 22)

(x) on christmas the cake is with santa, theyorder want they want, they order to bakery or sent picture and pick up
(o) Most people have their Christmas cake customized. They show the picture of the style they want and they will just pick it up once its done
(x) after dinner they watch TV or go to the gym or rest nowadays Korean dont eat dinner they're on a diet. sometimes  2 meals. 
(o) Nowadays many Koreans skip dinner some just have 2 meals in a day some go on a diet.
(x)i do diet before 3 years ago.
(o) I went on a diet 3 years ago.
(x)I love snacks. I dont like meals like noodles .
i like bread , thats not good it come more fats
(o) I like a snack, but I don't like heavy meals like rice or noodles I love bread but on the other hand, bread has more calories.
(x)the cooking achine is using gas so we have to use for it.
in korea we warm the house for gas.
(o) We use gas for cooking and the heater
(x)because im not cooking well or delivery . im the most good at cookng egg
(o) I cannot cook well so I just call for food deliveries or eat my mom's homemade food. I'm an expert on cooking eggs. That's my expertise.


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