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박인숙 correction
Name   :   norma    (작성일 : 23-12-13 / Hit : 22)

(x)5 days, I will comeback dec. 18
(o) I will stay in Japan for 5 days I will return on December 18.
(x) I check the weather in Japan the temperature same in Korea.its is not raining the temperature is higher that 15 Nagoya is 2 or 3 the gap is big.
(o) I checked Nagoya's temperature and its almost the same with Korea's temperature
(x)I have one list of preparing for.
(o) I have a list of preparations.
(x) when i arrive in airport in japan the organizer will come me. 
(o)When I arrive at the airport in Japan the organizer will fetch me.
(x) I visited many countries the ASIA zone.Indonesia thailand , India 
(o) I have visited many Asian countries like Thailand, Indonesia and India and so on.


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